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Eighth Avenue 487, New York 
Phone: +387643932728
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Gemma Crowe

Gemma Crowe is a Canadian new media and movement artist working with the mediated human image: records of our bodily existence. Living and working in Vancouver, British Columbia, Crowe creates community and connectivity through embodiment and discursive practices such as collaborative choreography, improvisation, live video feedback, community discussions, sound installation and documentary and dance filmmaking.


Crowe works by the belief that art is an ideal vehicle to explore ways of knowing beyond cognition by encouraging connection and a felt-sense through aesthetic affect. Using her own body as subject, Crowe reframes recorded experiences through editing and durational media for new perspective and facilitates embodiment for pleasure and self-reflexivity, in pursuit of healing and deeper connections with one another.


A trained contemporary dancer and videographer by trade, Crowe has choreographed evening-length Seasons: A Magical Musical with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. Her films have been screened at film festivals internationally. Crowe was offered a broadcast agreement with TELUS Optik TV on Demand for her documentary WAREHAUS: making it happen, and was commissioned to create a film with All Bodies Dance Project for the 2019 Festival of Recorded Movement. She has shot for Vice Canada’s music division, Noisey and maintains a steady roster of creative clients with whom she creates a range of video products. Crowe also runs G Project/Works, an initiative for creation and collaboration which connects performing and visual arts.


Recently graduating from Emily Carr University of Art + Design’s full-residency MFA program, Crowe’s thesis research is concerned with the illusory potential of sound and the sensory apprehension of movement. She received Canada Council and British Columbia Arts Council funding for her research into spatial sound and the bodily experience as well as a research award through Emily Carr University. Crowe completed a residency at Lobe Studio working with world-class 4DSOUND spatial sound software and delivered a presentation on embodied sonic design at the 2022 International Seminar on Sonic Design. Crowe will continue her research in embodiment, virtual theory, and audience perception in her role as New Works XR Program Director.