Choreographer: Gemma Crowe
Dancers: Alyssa Perron, Cayley Hanrahan & Kimberley Ilott
Passive/ aggression is a choreographic work 2 years in the making. Performed at The Lab Art Show 2013 in Vancouver, BC and the 2014 Fluid Movements Arts Festival as part of the Physical Therapy Program in Calgary, AB
Irony underlies movement resurrected from a past performance. With a physical sarcasm Passive/aggression is passively aggressive with a capital P! Side by side, dancers systematically confront the space in front of them advancing, asserting and retracting to no avail. Toeing the line with fierce indifference the dancers represent the struggle between the combat and recoil of truly expressing themselves. Spatial tension becomes the catalyst for the dancers’ futile attempts as their focus is directed, glazed, gazing further into the space they can not reach.